Two new heavy-duty demining suits EOD 4020 Elite NP Aerospace received by sappers and explosive experts of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Kherson

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Two new EOD 4020 Elite NP Aerospace heavy-duty demining suits were received by sappers and explosive experts of the Kherson State Emergency Service from the Ukrainian FireFighters Foundation on the eve of the Christmas holidays!
This is a very special project for the Foundation. This is not the first time Kherson sappers have received help from Ukrainian Fire Fighters. But this is the first time since the full-scale invasion that the sappers have received brand new equipment of this level.

The EOD 4020 Elite is one of the world's best solutions for protecting the life of a deminer. The suit provides an unprecedented level of protection against all aspects of an explosion: fire, shockwave, debris.
This is, without exaggeration, top-class equipment. In addition to the high degree of physical protection for the operator and the suit's highly thought-out ergonomics, many other unexpected and pleasant features include zero buoyancy and an internal climate control system. The sappers received two complete sets of suits ready for use, including secure radio communications.

The Kherson region is one of the most explosively contaminated areas of Ukraine. The scale and scope of the challenges faced by the Kherson sappers, as well as their complexity, are hard to comprehend. Assistance to the SESU demining units is one of the priorities of the Ukrainian Firefighters Foundation.
This extremely complex project was implemented thanks to the trust and consistent support of ordinary Ukrainians, Toyota Ukraine and the maximum assistance of the British company NP Aerospace and the personal involvement of Siti Paretti at all stages of the project from invoice to delivery.
We would like to thank the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and the Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Kherson region for participating in the logistical challenges that we have overcome together. Kherson Regional State Administration, not for the first time - thank you for your trust and support in the implementation of the projects of the Ukrainian Firefighters Foundation for Kherson.
The safety of our Rescuers and the priority of the frontline areas are two invariable rules for our team. We are proud and respectful to hand over these suits to our sappers.

Together we are strong! We continue to work and help our own. Glory to Ukraine!
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