We delivered 15 tonnes of humanitarian aid to rescuers in May

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In May, we received 15 tonnes of humanitarian aid from our benefactors, loaded, packed and delivered it to rescuers, hospitals and those who remain in their homes in the frontline areas.

This is how we usually report on our humanitarian programme. But for us, it is always the people we have helped that are more important than the tonnes. And these are thousands of people whose lives are a war every day.
More than a year of active hostilities in Zaporizhzhia, Kherson and Donetsk oblasts have destroyed all signs of normal life - no water supply, electricity, gas, hospitals or shops. It is in these areas that the SES rescues people not only by eliminating the consequences of enemy shelling, extinguishing fires, clearing rubble or de-mining, but also by delivering food or water to villages and towns near the frontline. Sometimes people's lives directly depend on whether the rescuers reach them with help, food, water or medicine. And every such aid drive is a risk, because the enemy is unfortunately very close and the Russians do not care whether they shoot at the military, civilians, medics or rescuers.

It is very important to us that the humanitarian aid we deliver reaches those who need it most. We are in constant contact with rescuers and locals to learn about who and how we can help, how our aid is delivered and to whom it is delivered.
Thousands of people are helped through our cooperation with companies that continue to support Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.
A thousand, albeit short, smiles, a thousand pleasant moments for people who feel supported, see the rescuers who deliver the aid to them, which means the unity of the Ukrainian people, because companies from different parts of the country are involved in this assistance and, most importantly for us, there are more and more of them.

Sincere thanks to AB InBev Efes Ukraine for the water and drinks that we delivered to Zaporizhzhia and Kherson region. We are grateful to the Ukrainian juice producer ecosphere.com.ua for providing us with its own products, which we delivered to children in Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson and Bohatyrska Children's Hospital. for our Polish colleagues for baby food, which we delivered to children's hospitals in Kherson, Zaporizhzhia and Kyiv. We thank our new strategic partner, the Ukrainian Food Foundation ‘Food Foundation UA’, for the goodies for the rescuers. Our respect and gratitude to Nestlé and Nova Poshta Humanitarian for continuing to support Ukraine, helping our humanitarian initiative and doing so much for all of us.

Thousands of hugs and smiles to all those who help, from those whom we have been able to help together.