The donors of the Ukrainian Firefighters CF managed to "cover" all the current needs of Kherson's rescuers.

A lot of water has receded from Kherson. Rescuers are now pumping water out of flooded basements and ground floors, so the pumps we have delivered to Kherson are helping to eliminate the consequences of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station explosion. The rescuers have a lot of tasks ahead of them, and they still have to do a lot of hard work to inspect the buildings, clear the rubble and clear the mines. Enemy artillery shelling of the city continues, which of course complicates the rescuers' tasks, but the Russians are not able to intimidate Kherson residents, many of whom survived the Russian occupation of Kherson last year and know that it is worse than any shelling.
We are planning to buy rescue minibuses for the Kherson rescuers, which are very much needed by various units right now. We will definitely tell you and show you what we have bought and how the equipment purchased with your donations helps save lives.
We managed to cover all the current needs of Kherson's rescue divers. The video (filmed the week before last) shows a happy and motivated rescuer trying on a brand new set of equipment we promptly delivered. And every motivated and equipped rescuer means saved lives.
So, we do not stop and continue to help those who will definitely come to the rescue in case of trouble.